Church of Las Vegas
Sunday 10:30aM
Sunday School
Nursery Provided
Wednesday small groups TBD
Pastor Dominick Rodriguez
Pastor Dominick Rodriguez was ordained
by Living Grace Ministries in Tacoma, Washington.
Born in New York but raised in Las Vegas, he comes from a diverse pre and post-salvation religious background.
His previous life experience included serving our nation in the United States Marine Corps, teaching various forms of martial arts, and twenty two years as a Las Vegas police officer. He has a passion for street evangelism and youth ministry, in addition to serving as a full-time Pastor.
Dominick has a tremendous desire to lead the lost to Salvation, and is dedicated to equipping his congregation with the tools necessary to fight the ongoing Spiritual Battle and emerge victorious. As Believers we are called for much more than a simple routine of Christianity. God's people are "set apart", called to the victorious life that Christ has in store for us. We accomplish this as we grow and implement His Grace and His Word in our lives.